December to Remember…


2015 is gradually drawing to a close and the year has been eventful. It’s amazing how the years go by so quickly. When I was younger, January to December seemed so far apart. It took a long time before the year ended, at least to me it felt that way.

Let’s spend December 2015 in gratitude. The Lord has truly been faithful. He has kept me, holding my hand along the way. He has provided food, water and shelter. He has blessed me with an amazing family. Surrounded me with wonderful and encouraging friends.  Kept me in good health. Delivered me from death. Preserved my loved ones. I’m sure you can relate to these blessings. I know you believe He will still do greater things before the year runs out.

I’m just so grateful today. I’m grateful for everyone that has stopped by to read this blog. I encourage you to reflect and say Thank You to a faithful Father and Friend. God is good.